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Retrospective:  Thirty Years of Painting, 1967-1997


Kazimierz Dzyga has always been something of a roamer, given to demolishing the frontiers and walls that imprison the imagination — his own tending to fantasy.  He could almost be grandson of a Hieronymus Bosch, of a Brueghel.  From canvas to canvas, he shows us a little-known universe, like some Tower of Babel reaching to an inaccessible world without end.

Dzyga's works put us into a state of weightlessness, drawing us into the night, into some otherwhere, removed from all 'reality', a world whose colours sing of beauty beyond time.  The best example could be "The Watcher" —a parable, perhaps, of the artist in quest of the absolute?

Winter is the season for stories and legends, for the hushed tones given to relating the fantastic — which makes it the most fitting time to invite Kazimierz Dzyga and his very real sense of the marvellous.


Gérard Mathias, CEO, Distillerie Bénédictine


Catalogue d'exposition

Exhibition of Photographs: 140 works


Cycle of exhibitions at the Espace Contemporain of the Palais Bénédictine, see website:



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