Revue de textes   Text review


René de Solier (from the presentation of the exhibition)

… The fantastic is seeking new directions.  We find them perhaps in the concord of sincerity and a feeling for the dramatic.  For Dzyga is almost a man of the theatre.  He needs a stage, one which he builds himself, on which he can then produce and stage-manage his vision…



Gérard Mourgue


It is becoming increasingly rare for a painter to attract, at his first exhibition, the attention of critics as difficult as those who have given their blessing to these paintings, bordering as they do on the fantastic.  Their creator seems to obey a kind of self-examination, itself bordering on narcissism, the immediate result of which is the repetition of not only a set of facial features but also of the accessories to a liturgy of cruelty on which we are torn, as by the sharp point of a rock, a mast's tall point, the blood running from a wound…

G.M., Combat, February 1968



 Henry Héraut


In his innermost soul, Kazimierz Dzgya serves us an entire world, one that is both worried and worrying.  The characters in his surrealistic paintings, so very skilfully executed, speak to us; they assail us, they bewitch us, with their anguished expressions, petrified, their eyes glazed, at once, and most curiously, "overseers" and "overseen", both the eye of God "who regarded Cain" and the terrified eye of Cain himself…

Journal de l’Amateur d’Art, February 1968



l'exposition en photos, bientôt  (soon)


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